Jung Family Vacation in Arizona, Day 1: Arrival and the Shadow of Castle Rock
First day in our rental house (tucked away in a gated community, just off 17/89A). I think most of these houses in the neighborhood are vacation homes, as a lot of nearby houses seem empty.
We all slept in a bit, as everyone arrived late the night before. Liz and I drove in and arrived around 12:30 AM; everyone else showed up around 2AM.
Awesomely great bonus: upstairs, there are three pinball machines and a Galaga cabinet (that’s really a MAME cabinet).
A cozy area upstairs.
Dad, playing a bit while Jahnu tackles some Batman pinball.
We trekked in to Sedona, and headed to a spot near Cathedral Rock (to a spot where Shane and Stacey got married).
The Cathedral in the distance.
Past a long road, we entered down into a small clearing area.
Dad, hopping between rocks.
A small pile of balanced rocks.
Jasmine, Jahnu, and Shane, taking a little break after a small climb.
Following a trail…
Near a creek, we found a carefully balanced rock.
Walking along the creek.
The cathedral in the distance.
Liz, pointing out a small bird near the shore.
A small groove, cut by the water into the rock.
Jahnu makes the leap.
Shane with the kids.
Liz, standing tall.
The kids had boundless energy.
Anywhere they could jump, they jumped.
Arizona, 2004
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