The Quantified Agency: Measuring the Inconsequential, Daily

Design agency Sid Lee made a fantastic dashboard tracking a lot of useless info in and around their Paris office. Curious how much water they’ve had so far today? Or perhaps how many times they’ve flushed the toilet? All this and more is available online, and updated in real-time.

In addition to the at-a-glance view of things, you can also hover over each section and click on the “+” button for a more detailed view. Not only can you see how often their refrigerator has been opened – you can see a breakdown of how often it’s been opened based on the time of day.

I think this is a really fun project, and I’m sure it’s garnering them no small amount of publicity as a result. Proof that side projects (that aren’t directly client related) have a benefit, and serve a variety of purposes: they improve company morale, they showcase talent, they provide a creative outlet. And if executed well, serve as a showpiece for the company (and even attract future talent).

[via Four Short Links]

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