The Anticipation of Travel: Studying vs. Excitement

Liz and I are heading overseas next week, and I’m not quite ready for it. I mean, I am ready – in the sense that when I’m called to go and eat a lot of food, and drink wine in France… I am capable and up to the task. I mean ready in the other sense, as in: researching the things I want to see, creating the various Google Maps I want to have as handy reference, having a specific museum to day itinerary printed and folded crisply in my pocket.

I’ve done some planning, but not that much. And I feel kind of ok with that. But it might be the lazy part of me that feels ok with it, and the non-lazy part of me is just too apathetic to do anything about it.

Liz and I have been to Paris before, but that was many years ago. So I’m definitely excited to go back. But with one trip under our belts, I think we’re looking to approach Paris more as an experience. We hit a lot of the major sites last time, and so this time around I think we’re more interested in exploring neighborhoods.

Lately, I’ve felt like I’m racing the clock with a large number of things I’ve procrastinated on. And in some ways, the trip feels like I’m cramming towards some final exam. I need to know X, I need to remember Y, and so on.

But as things go, I know there’s a shift that’s going to take place. It hasn’t yet, which is surprising. But I’m looking forward to a shift where it moves away from a list of to-do items, and the predominant feeling becomes one of excitement. I’m worried about the trip, but not quite excited about it yet.


There’s still more I want to do, but the days count down… that small bit of excitement grows. Little things, like noticing grocery item expiration dates, and taking out the trash… those little things remind me that our lives are going to be drastically different, in under a week.

I guess this is also a small early warning that blog posts will likely be minimal, if any at all during that time. I may try to post up some photos without commentary, but that may be about it.

Soon, soon.

[CC photo via David A Ellis]

Honeymoon in France and Italy: See You in Two Weeks!
Quick Update From Paris
Meg’s Holiday Party

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I’m sure the Germans have a word for that pre-trip combo of excitement and stress. Have fun, I’m looking forward to seeing your updates when you get back!

    Mellzah Reply

    • Thanks! I’m thinking of doing a few photos each day, with no commentary. But maybe that’s a little optimistic. I have a lot of good shortcuts that should make the process pretty quick, but we’ll see…

      avoision Reply

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