Wordnik Kickstarter: Let’s Add a Million Missing Words to the Dictionary

I learned about Wordnik while creating my first Twitter bot. Since then, I’ve explored the site and used the Wordnik API a great deal, primarily for all my Twitter bot projects.

Wordnik does so much more than a traditional dictionary. In addition to providing definitions, it also shows uses of the word that it’s found from blog posts, websites, publications, and even places like Twitter and Flickr. It’s pretty great!

They’re currently running a Kickstarter campaign, where they hope to raise funds to add a million new words to the site. I think the project is a worthy one, and if you’re a writer or lover of words… I think you should consider being a backer, if you can.

I recently used the Wordnik for my Villanelle bot project, allowing the developer API to both generate random words and to also provide a list of rhyming words. I’m a big fan of the site, and look forward to watching it evolve and grow.

To learn more about the founder, Erin McKean, and her love of words… check out this TED talk from 2007:

PS: I contributed several months back during an earlier phase, and adopted the word “blog”. It’s going to be fun to try figuring out what word I want to adopt next.

Love from (and for) Wordnik
Desire Bot: A Twitter Bot That Re-Posts What the World Wants

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