Tuesday Funk
I’ve been meaning to attend Tuesday Funk for some time now, and finally got myself to a show this evening.
I headed to the area right after work, and spent some time sitting at a cafe, sipping coffee and writing a little bit. Which was nice.
When it got closer to 7PM, I headed a few doors down to Hopleaf, and went upstairs.
Tuesday Funk is a reading series, featuring a mixture of different writers and styles/works. The event is free, but it’s recommended you show up early for seats.
And let me tell you – the note on the website about showing up early is no joke! I got in right around 7PM, and by the time it was 7:05PM… there were hardly any seats left!
I lucked out and snagged a table with Veronica Arreola (a 20×2 Chicago alum).
There were five readers total for the night’s event: Clayton Smith (who read from his book Anomaly Flats), Gint Aras (who read from his upcoming novel “The Fugue”), Britt Julious (another 20×2 alum, who read about why she uses the ride-sharing service Lyft and one particularly harrowing cab ride), Bill Savage (who read about “dive” bars, and why we shouldn’t call them that), and James Gordon (better known as GPA – Greatest Poet Alive, who told a captivating story about six basketball games, and what went terribly wrong with the seventh).
It defintely was a big mixture of work: two fiction pieces, two personal essays, a poem, and a story.
It’s been ages since I made it to a reading, and it felt nice to settle back with a drink and listen to words again. It’s a really fun event, and as with many of Andrew’s projects… it brings together creatives from all over.
Worth checking out, if you’ve never been: Tuesday Funk (first Tuesday of every month).
When is your day again??
Liz (December 2, 2015 at 4:31 pm)I still have to send Andrew some work to check out. But assuming I make the grade, it’ll be March 1.
avoision (December 3, 2015 at 2:52 pm)