Happy Birthday, Bob!
Liz, Katie, Dan, and I met up with Bob and Julie for a nice meal on Sunday. To celebrate Bob’s birthday, we got reservations at Bavette’s.
To give you a sense of how popluar the place is: Liz placed our reservations in September, nearly 3 months ago. And there were no Friday or Saturday nights available. The best we could do was Sunday at 5:30 PM.
Still – it was a blast.
Katie (who is now no longer vegetarian) decided to go in on some oysters with me. I don’t get these often (about as often as I get steak), so when the opportunity arises – it’s always a fun splurge.
Julie tried a few as well, despite her hesitation towards oysters.
Dinner view! So much great stuff here. We ended up passing around the sides to share, and I was told the salad (with bacon) in the middle was to die for. I was so stuffed, I didn’t even have room to even give it a taste.
Julie and Bob, posing for a picture.
The birthday boy!
We ended up getting several deserts to share (lemon meringue, ice cream, chocolate pie, cheesecake). While I am a staunch fan of the cheesecake (if it’s on the desert menu, that’s what I’ll be getting)… the chocolate cake here was phenomenal. Next time we’re here, the desert decision is going to be a really tough one.
Bavette’s is not a place you can go to often (at least, we can’t). But it’s a treat, and we had a really lovely time together. It was a feast, and I think we all walked away feeling very full, and very happy.
It was a slow walk. But a full and happy one.
Birthday Meals: Steak and Biscuits
Downtown Dinner at Brazzaz, Brazilian Steakhouse
Liz’s Birthday Day
I think I’m still full…
Liz (December 8, 2015 at 4:28 pm)