Christmas Dinner in Frankfort

The day after Christmas, Katie and Dan’s family headed over to Frankfort to hang out (and to have a post-Christmas dinner). On arriving, we all ended up congregating and hanging out in the kitchen for a long while.

Lots of snacks while we waited for dinner.

The dinner table, all prepped and ready.

Bob and Savannah, having a quiet moment together in the front room.


Preparing the dessert…

Look at this lovely sight. Just look at it.

The ladies hung out in the front room, while the gents were hanging out in the family room.

Gathering together for presents. Dan, showing off his Bears-themed slippers and gloves.

Savannah and Cameron, awash in a sea of wrapping paper.

Katie, showing off a print she had received.

After the presents, things started to wind down. Lots of naps and just lounging around.

Bob and Savannah, hanging out watching “Brave.”

Christmas in Frankfort.

Thanksgiving in Frankfort, 2015
Early Xmas in Frankfort, 2014
Christmas Day in Frankfort, 2014
Christmas Day in Frankfort, 2011

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