The Basement Shuffle
Liz and I decided that this week… we’d focus on having a productive holiday vacation week. We agreed to spend the morning working on the house, with the afternoon and evening open to work on our own personal projects.
Today, we worked on clearing out the back room in the basement. Previously, we had moved things back there to clear out the front for powerwashing, but now we need to open up the back. So we relocated a lot of things back along the North wall. Again.
Bob warned us that one of the biggest challenges in living in a house while you work on it is navigating all the stuff. You’re working where you live, and you need to move things out of the way, then back, and then out of the way again.
So goes the basement shuffle.
Liz, cleaning off the back wall. We’ll be applying some more concrete along this back wall, and also painting up some plywood (which we’ll eventually cut and cover up the insulation).
Basement Clearing
Friday Basement Work
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