Double Speak: A New Line of Steganography Cards by CLovEr loVER

Each year, I receive a fantastic Christmas card from my friend Ian. They’re really creative, super fun, and a delight to receive.

Earlier this week, I learned that he’s officially selling his steganography cards under the name CLovEr loVER. So now you can get a few versions of your own!

He’s starting with a set of Happy Birthday cards, and will be introducing Mother’s Day and St. Paddy’s Day cards very soon.

I think this is a terrific idea, and am very much looking forward to all the new designs to come. Swing on over and go check out all the cards available!

Ian is a great designer, runs a cool blog, and makes some wonderful stuff. You can find him online at and

Ian Rogers: Collective Noun Project
Ian Rogers: Abecedary – Group Names of Birds and Beasts

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