I’m Reading Poems at Tuesday Funk (March 1st)

I’m excited to share that I’ll be reading my poems next week (March 1st) at Tuesday Funk – “Chicago’s eclectic monthly reading series.” Hosted by Andrew Huff and Eden Robins, the event takes place at Hopleaf Bar in Andersonville.

It has been… a really long time since I’ve read my own work in public. While I’ve done speaking engagements and taken the stage a lot for 20×2 Chicago… I haven’t done anything related to my writing in an age.

I got an invite from Andrew to participate about six months ago (I remember being sleep-deprived in Amsterdam when I got the email). I was incredibly excited at the idea of being part of a reading again, and have been looking forward to next week’s event ever since.

There’s a nice bio of me posted up on the official site, along with details on the venue. If you’re in Chicago and are around, consider this a formal invitation to attend.

Tuesday Funk – Tuesday, March 1st
Hopleaf Bar, 5148 N. Clark Street
Doors: 7:00 PM, Start: 7:30 PM

You’ll want to arrive as close to 7PM as possible – the place fills up fast! Hope to see you there!

At the Poetry Reading
Tuesday Funk (December, 2015
Writing in Cafes, Readings in Bars

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