Reading Poetry Tomorrow at Tuesday Funk

Tomorrow night, I’ll be participating in Tuesday Funk, Chicago’s “eclectic monthly reading series.” I’ll be taking the stage with four very interesting people, all of us sharing words that we’ve arranged in very interesting ways.

It’s been… a really long while since I’ve read my own writing out loud in public. I’m nervous, since it’s been so long – but I’m equally excited, as it’s always a fun thing to do.

Being asked “Hey, will you read some of your poems?” is a bit like someone asking “Hey, can I see your travel photos?” There’s an initial few seconds of disbelief, and then you scream out “YES” before that person can change their mind. Totally excited about tomorrow – it’s gonna be great.

The lineup features Rosamund Lannin, Mark Borowsky, Kelly Swails, and Matthew Fogarty. And also me! The event is tomorrow night at Hopleaf Bar, and starts at 7:30 (though I’d highly suggest you show up as close to 7PM as possible, to get seats).

Good words, good beer. Chicago folks – if you’re able to swing by, I’d love to see you!

Tuesday Funk – Tuesday, March 1st
Hopleaf Bar, 5148 N. Clark Street
Doors: 7:00 PM, Start: 7:30 PM

At the Poetry Reading
Tuesday Funk (December, 2015
Writing in Cafes, Readings in Bars

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