Garden Box Construction, Part 8

After work on Friday, Liz and I decided to take advantage of the nicer weather and put in a little time in on the garden box. I got a coffee on my way home (I needed a second wind), and we got to work doing what we could, in the bit of light before evening.

With the second box largely untouched since we got it constructed, we had to start from the beginning: namely, getting it level.

We learned from our mistakes with the first box, and made sure to also dig grooves for the cross braces this time (in the middle).

Liz, trying to determine why the box isn’t quite sitting right. We got about this far before the daylight started going on us, and had to call it quits.

Tomorrow was always going to be our full day to focus on box #2, so anything we got tonight was bonus.

Garden Box Planning Mode
Garden Box Construction, Part 1
Garden Box Construction, Part 2
Garden Box Construction, Part 3
Garden Box Construction, Part 4
Garden Box Construction, Part 5
Garden Box Construction, Part 6
Garden Box Construction, Part 7

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