Goodbye, Frankfort (Part 1)

Today, Liz and I went down to Frankfort to help Bob and Julie on their next to last day at the house. Movers came on Friday, and today we were finishing up some last bits of packing in preparation for tomorrow (when we’d get a large rental truck for everything remaining).

It was very striking – incredibly dramatic how stark the house was, with all the furniture gone. Several of us remarked how much smaller the rooms seemed, with everything gone.

It’s tough to see such a vibrant place devoid of furniture. While we’ve been down a lot helping with the move, I don’t think Liz has really had much time to really process the move. This is where she grew up, and it’s been hard for her to imagine not ever returning.

For me, I have very fond memories of the house – despite being a late arrival. Even now, looking at these columns and into the living room… it’s hard not to imagine a christmas tree.

Looking into the dining room, the scene of so many dinners and thanksgivings.

Thanksgiving, 2008

Thanksgiving, 2015

Looking down the hallway. Again, I always imagine this area lit up for Christmas.

Christmas, 2015
. Note the numerous photographs, hanging on the wall on the right.

The wall of photographs, now empty.

I remember on more than one occasion, standing here and looking over all the photos, all the faces. Imagining the lives of everyone who came before I arrived, and feeling lucky that I was welcomed into such a fantastic family.

Looking in to the living room and dining room.

Christmas Day, 2011

Kitchen. The center island – looking at it, I realized just how much food (and apple pie) it had seen over the years.

Apple Pies in Frankfort, 2013

Apple Pies in Frankfort, 2007

Looking into the TV room.

Christmas Dinner, 2015

On the left, where the TV area used to be. Julie and Liz, checking out the closet.

Hidden away in back (and something I had never seen before) was a small entry, that led under the main stairs.

Upstairs, looking into the bedrooms.

Tricia’s old room.

The master bedroom.

Looking into Katie’s old room.

Liz’s old room.

Liz, looking into her closet.

The small mouse that her Aunt Kathy painted, when Liz’s room was officially ready to be moved into.

Down in the basement, Julie and Bob beginning to disassemble the many platforms and lights for her plants.

Julie’s Basement Plant Room, 2014

Easiest way to take things out of the basement: the window.

Kitchen cabinets, ready to be broken down and thrown into the dumpster (second one).

The wood floor. When first replacing the floor, the plan was always to have area rugs – so regular wood was used in the center, to save money.

We loaded up two levels of plants in Bob’s truck, which Julie and Liz would eventually drive over to the new house (in Indiana).

Katie and Savannah stopped by with some lunch, and we all ended up hanging out by the front stairs (as we didn’t have anywhere to really sit).

Julie, Savannah, and Katie.

In the basement with Bob, doing some more cleanup work.

The old graffiti wall in the basment. Have a nice day!

Packing up the truck, part 2. Liz was sitting inside, trying to stuff as many plants as she could. She almost didn’t make it back out.

Liz and Julie, walking through the backyard.

Looking at the side of the yard, with the sun setting.

Hey, now that sure is one nice looking concrete pad.

Backyard. Soon after this we left for home, with plans to return tomorrow for the final move.

Frankfort Dumpster, Day 1
Frankfort Dumpster, Day 2
Cleaning the Attic in Frankfort
A Last, Lazy Day in Frankfort

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