Garden Box Explosion
Our garden box in back has been going crazy, these past few weeks. There was that big heat wave a few weeks back, and I want to trace it to around that time where the veggies just started to go nuts.
Liz, lost among the herbs.
For reference, this is what the garden box used to look like.
The spaghetti squash has really taken over.
Note that it has moved beyond the garden box onto the ground, behind Liz.
Some smaller spaghetti squash, biding their time.
Several have gotten large enough to require their own slings. I know the slings are meant to support the squash as they grow larger, but a part of me can’t help imagining that Liz created these simply to increase their comfort.
This guy is getting pretty close!
Tomatoes, starting up.
More squash, somewhere inside there.
A few more, growing along the ground.
The first zucchini off the vine!
It’s funny that, once upon a time, the entire backyard was essentially a jungle. Which we then cleared. And then built garden boxes. Which we are now turning into into mini-jungles.
An old, favorite photo I took of Liz – checking the overflow tubes, as she’s filling up the garden box.
Garden Box Construction, Part 11
Basement Plants
Beautifying the Backyard, Continued
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