Double Vision

At Ben’s 40th Birthday party, there was a surprising reversal where Ben gave me a gift! He was at an event where Steve Aoki was DJ-ing, and he grabbed this great t-shirt for me.

In case you didn’t know this, I seem to get mistaken for Steve Aoki with some regularity. Though I have to say, it’s been a little while now since it’s happened.

Today, on my way to the train, at least two different people mentioned my shirt. Things like: “You have your own face on your shirt. That’s funny!”

The kicker is, if folks don’t know who Steve Aoki, they probably just think I’m some raging narcissist who likes walking around with his photo on his t-shirts.

Today has been… interesting. I noticed several quizzical looks, as I was walking to work. I’m super self-conscious with this t-shirt on. But in a lot of ways, as ridiculous as it is, it makes me feel very silly. And I’m finding that I’m taking myself way less seriously today. Which is a good thing, and something I should do more often.

I’ve felt very carefree and goofy while wearing this t-shirt today. Which, all told, is an awesome and unexpected surprise – on top of an already awesome and unexpected gift.

Thanks, Ben!

On Being Mistaken A Lot For Popular DJ Steve Aoki: Felix Jung, 20×2 Chicago
Happy 40th Birthday, Ben!

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