Brunch with Meg and Josh
Met up with Meg and Josh today for brunch at Medici’s. After catching up a bit and talking about potential/future travel plans (we all seem to feel the six of us travel well together), we headed a few doors down to 57th Street Books.
The small, unassuming entrance. Once you walk in, the place kind of opens up and explodes around you.
Side note: I had no idea that the 57th Street Books was part of the Seminary Co-operative Bookstores, whose other bookstore is on Woodlawn (next to Plein Air Cafe).
Stumbled across a newer design of some older Calvino titles (very clean, very white). And yes, I did check to make sure that Weaver was the translator.
A view from inside the bookstore. Meg later mentioned how much this reminded her of the Book Loft in Columbus, OH.
A few different takes on grief.
I’m really out of the habit of reading. I wandered to the same authors, checking to see if they might have something new I hadn’t read yet.
I’m a big fan of Ackerman’s non-fiction, and decided I missed her voice and grabbed this title. Her book “A Natural History of the Senses” won me over years ago, and ever since… if I see something by her – I’ll grab it without hesitation.
It’s been nearly a week since Liz left for Paris. While I’ve been getting accustomed to my solitude, this was the first time I’ve hung out with anyone socially since being on my own. It was nice to re-enter the world a bit.
And now, armed with a new book… it’s off to go be alone again. And to read about the world.
Random Images from Hyde Park
William Weaver, Renowned Translator, 1923 – 2013
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