Julien Baker: Everybody Does

While hanging out on the back porch with Liz, I was going through songs I added to my music streaming account. Came across Julien Baker again, and this song caught my ear again.

Out of her album, I lean towards this song and Sprained Ankle – both of which are pretty short. Not sure what that says about me, but just a pattern I noticed.

Unlike the previous video of hers I shared, this one is a live recording – and it’s amazing to me how clear and clean her voice is.

There are some musicians that sound great on their albums, and then there are others who sound equally great in person. I’m always in awe of performers who are just as good, live.

Hard to believe that the last time I thought of Baker was back when Rdio shut down. I’m getting used to Spotify, but I’m still… getting used to Spotify. Just not the same.

Julien Baker: Sprained Ankle

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