Basement Wall Work
After work last night, Liz and I suited up and headed to the basement. I have to tell you – it was not an easy or pleasant thing, to keep that momentum going. The last thing I want to do after a day of work is to come home… and then do more work.
But we had some clear tasks that we could knock out, and so basement it was.
As Liz was prepping the last bit of insulation to add to the South wall, I was measuring out the plywood. Luckily for us, this time we didn’t have any joists we needed to account for. So it was mostly a straight shot.
We mapped out the control line on the board, and then figured out the height we needed. The trickiest part for me was cutting the 45 degree angle at the bottom (had to do a few passes).
Overall, the cuts were ok. Not great, but ok. I feel a bit more confident now having done them, but I guess practice is the true teacher here. Liz told me that when I’m unsure of things, I move slower – something I’ll be more aware of, the next time.
Liz, working a bit with the new multitool that Bob bought us, last weekend.
Here’s the wall, prepped and ready.
And here’s our board, fixed into place. There was some serious warping, but I feel like we got it pretty well in place.
We had to do a few dry fits, to figure out the proper length – but it wasn’t too bad. Having done this now a few times with Bob, we were familiar with the steps and fixes.
It took longer than expected, but I’m really glad we got this completed. With the plywood now affixed to the full length of the south wall, we’re in a position where we can now look to putting in some stairs again.
Measure Twice, Measure Twice Again
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