Street Work on the Way to Work

A while back, I had heard about some street work that was happening on our street. There were lots of signs up the days before, peppering much of the area near our house. Around 7:30AM or so, we started to hear the sound of an impact hammer, digging into the street.

It was close enough that it shook the house a little. On walking outside, we spotted this truck – with something I assumed would be going into the street.

I wondered what it was, and how it might get installed. I knew the work was sewer related, but I had a hard time understanding how this thing would get situated into the ground.

About a half block south of us, we found a small crew working on the street. They were all in pretty good spirits, and were smiling as Liz and I gawked. When the guy in the ground saw I was taking photos, he held up his as though he were a strongman showing off his bicep.

I was already putting my camera away at this point, but everyone was laughing. I tried to get him to pose again, but no luck.

I think it was clear from our fascination that we were really interested in their work. Once more, I wished I could have stuck around for a few hours, peppering them with questions and watching them go about their tasks.

Work on the Way to Work
Tearing it Up
Street Signs and Signs of Times Gone By
Symbols in the Street

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