Prepping the Beadboard with a Gallon of Spilled Paint

So did you know that you can order paint via Amazon? It’s true. But so far, our experience has been that the act of delivering paint is easier said than done.

We’re working on prepping some beadboard for the basement stairs, and Liz wanted to use a quality primer. She landed on STIX bonding primer (disclaimer: Amazon Affiliate Link), which is a bit pricey. Unfortunately, there’s no nearby physical store that carries it – not at Ace, not at Home Depot. So Amazon ended up being our best bet.

So ordered the paint at the start of the week. Then a day or so later, she logged into her account to see that the item had been damaged in transit. So she had to contact Amazon, and in talking with them… they ordered a replacement.

On the day the second can of paint was supposed to be delivered, she looked again at her account and saw that it also got damaged in transit.

In talking with Amazon again, they said they were going to open an investigation. They said they were going going to make an exception and get the second, damaged can delivered to us. And that they were going to expedite a third can of paint as a replacement. This happened on Friday.

Around 10:00 AM, we got a knock on the door. Liz and I were in the basement, so I walked up the driveway to accept the delivery.

This here? This is the third can that was expedited. And also, apparently, damaged in transit. Even in just carrying the box, my gloves got covered in paint.

Opening it up, this is what was going on inside. The paint can itself was in a kind of plastic bag. And it was bordered by a series of air cushions. But that, apparently, wasn’t enough.

Upright, this is how much paint was actually left in the can.

Liz, trying to transfer as much paint as she can from the box back into the can.

I’m pretty sure this is what we ordered?

A nice little stain in the driveway.

In the basement, we worked on sanding and cleaning up some old beadboard that Bob had saved for us.

Our temporary workstation – a big piece of plywood, set over two horses.

After the sanding, we gave the boards a good cleaning.

A little scary, as you can tell where we cleaned, and where the boards were sitting.

The boards, drying.

Liz, applying the primer. The two of us got into a pretty good rhythm after a while. Liz would use a paint brush to get into the grooves, and then I’d follow with a mini-roller. Then, she’d do a final pass and I’d move the board to dry.

The whole process wasn’t super fast, but it was as efficient as we could make it. We tried more than one board at a time, but the STIX paint dries really, really quickly… so we had to work on one board together, before moving on to the next.

Lots of boards, drying. It may have been exhaustion, but every time I looked over here… I had this weird craving for a cinnamon roll.

The plywood, doubling as both drying rack and work station.

Finishing up all the beadboard.

Liz and I started early this morning, getting suited up and down in the basement by around 10:30 AM. Our goal was to start early so that we could finish early.

We grabbed lunch around 3:30PM, and had finished cleaning all the beadboard. Around 4PM, we decided that it made sense to go back into the basement and continue working, getting all the boards painted.

Neither of us wanted to work tomorrow, and it’s a busy week for us next week. So we decided to keep going.

By the time the last board was painted and done, it was close to 7PM. A long day, but I’m happy and proud of all the work we did. As much as I’d rather be relaxing on the weekends, our work days tend to just zip right by.

Don’t get me wrong – it still feels like work as it’s happening. But two hours feels more like one, and the time just seems to speed on by. I’m pretty sore as I type this, and looking forward to just plopping in front of the TV for the rest of the night.

Plywood Painting
Work, Paint, Rest, Repeat
Basement Painting: Near the End

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Wait, you got someone from Amazon ON THE PHONE?

    Juliet Reply

    • Liz is the one who spoke with Amazon, but I’m using “speak” interchangeably with “communicated.” I don’t even think you can get someone on the phone with them.

      In the past, we’ve used the Chat feature to talk with someone. Despite the incredibly imperfect nature of chat support, for the most part it’s been helpful – and ends in a good resolution (either a replacement order made, or a refund).

      avoision Reply

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