A Long Day of Outdoor Work
Started the day off with an early brunch with Meg, Michelle, and Mike (sadly, I didn’t grab any photos). We met up at Kanela Breakfast Club, and got to hang out and catch up for a little while there.
I got some biscuits and gravy, mostly because that’s one of my favorite breakfasts… and something that usually doesn’t show up on a lot of menus. So when I see it, I almost always have to go for it.
We’ve been eating fairly healthy these last three weeks – but today was a bit of a splurge. And you can’t spell splurge without gravy.
I mean, you tecnically can but… look, you know what I’m saying here.
After brunch, we headed back home and suited up for a bit of yardwork. Neither Liz nor I intended to spend the rest of the day outside… but an hour turned into two turned into almost five.
We skipped lunch and worked straight through until about 6PM. It was just one of those afternoons where you put your head down, and the next time you look up… the day’s gone by.
Liz, spreading mulch along the parkway. She weeded this entire area, and re-set every single brick.
Sweeping the steps.
This is odd, but I was reminded of an old writing professor of mine, back when I was an undergraduate. I was enrolled in a Fiction course, and the teacher’s name was Cornelia Nixon.
I remember reading a quote from her, in some article. She was talking about creativity. She said that a writer needed to show up every day, to sweep the temple steps. And that “Sometimes, the gods are kind.”
Adding Flowers, Removing Bricks: Sunday at Work in the Parkway and Basement
Installing a Brick Path Along the Parkway
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