Couch to 5K: The Week 4 Adjustment
Liz and I have been pretty good about keeping our Couch to 5K regimen going. We’re running 3x per week, and we’ve completed three weeks – about to enter the start of the fourth.
In the past, I remembered that things kicked up a notch (either in Week 4 or Week 5). Almost out of nowhere, things got significantly harder, with the running durations almost doubling.
The previous week had us doing 90 seconds running, 90 walking, then 3 minutes rnning followd by 2 minutes walking (the whole set repeated twice).
Technically, this week has us going: 3 minutes running, 90 seconds walking. Then run 5 minutes, with 2:30 walking (the whole set, repeated twice).
This felt like a harder goal for us, so we decided to modify things a bit. Instead of going the full 5 minutes, we’ve opted to do 3 minutes running, 2 minutes walking (the whole set, repeated 3 times).
Since we’re not actively training for any kind of race, this felt like a good adjustment for us. We’re trying to increase what we do each week, but the main goal is to be out and about, consistently, moving, exercising. As long as we push a little (whether it’s by increasing the time running, or decreasing the time walking) – it’ll be forward momentum.
I thought Week 4 was the crazy jump week, but I think it’s actually Week 5.
I think it’s funny that we’re still struggling with these low numbers. Marathon runners end up running what – a few hours at a time? And here I am, balking at 5 minutes of nonstop running.
We’re improving, albeit slowly. I do feel more energized on the days that we run, and the days feel so much longer as a result of being active, so early in the mornings.
Still not sure how much I like it. But I guess that’s the thing about good habits – you don’t necessarily need to like it, so long as you keep doing it.
Getting Off the Couch and Back On the Couch to 5K
Couch To 5K: Week 4
Couch to 5K: Week 5
Hey, if you do it for a while and still think running sucks, maybe running isn’t your sport. There are plenty of ways to be active that aren’t running.
Mellzah (May 24, 2017 at 2:45 pm)Oh I’m pretty certain it’s not my sport. But the odd thing is – I’m finding myself starting to enjoy the routine of it. The process of it.
I don’t enjoy running while I’m in the midst of the act (and I imagine it’ll get harder, the more we increase our time/distance). But I do like it when I look back, later in the day. I’m happy to be moving and exercising.
There are some tennis courts nearby, that may be another activity for me and Liz. For now though, it seems running is the laziest way we have to not… be lazy.
avoision (May 25, 2017 at 1:01 pm)