Then and Now: Overlooking Damen Avenue, 2017 and 2002
I started this daily blog fifteen years ago. And this is the very first photo I posted, in the first blog post I ever made, way back in 2002.
Last week, on remembering that I had crossed over the 15-year mark… I headed over to the Damen Blue Line stop, and walked over to the southern platform overlooking Damen Avenue.
Here’s the same view, from 2017.
I was on my way to hang out with Justin, but I wanted to recreate that first photo again, in 2017.
Oh and I forgot – I took a similar photo in 2012, when my blog turned ten.
It’s hard to believe this blog has been around for fifteen years. Harder still to imagine that I’ve been here and in Chicago that whole time. I feel a lot like the view in these photos: essentially the same, despite the years. But there are differences, if you look closely enough.
Then and Now: Chicago Savings Bank Building in 1904 and 2013
Photographs of the Art Institute, Taken 119 Years Apart (1893 – 2012)
Happy Birthday, Blog: A Decade of Daily Blog Entries
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