Sick Day and Evening

The day started off with a stuffy nose, which possibly could have been due to allergies. By mid-afternoon, I was sniffling non-stop, and was pretty convinced I had caught the bug that’s been going around.

Two coworkers were in rough shape at the start of the week, with one of them working from home the last two days. I had another coworker leave around 3:30 PM, saying he was hoping not to throw up on the Metra ride home.

I made it to the end of the work day, but was sweating a lot by the time I boarded my train. I stopped off to pick up Kleenex and Nyquil and throat lozenges, and by the time I got home… I was covered in sweat, and getting the chills.

Ended up taking some NyQuil, but it didn’t really kick in until around 11PM. I was half-convinced it wasn’t going to work, until it really came on out of nowhere.

Glad I eventually got to sleep, but wow was the evening just awful. My nose was running non-stop so much, I was worried about becoming dehydrated.

Not really, but… it was getting to that point.

[CC photo via Anita Hart]

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