Basement Cleanup and a Trip Under the Porch

Earlier this week, I spent some nights moving out a lot of things from the basement up to the office on the second floor. With all our boxes cleared out, the office is going to be our next staging area.

For now though, so that we can get the basement floor epoxied… we need to clear out as much as we possibly can. I got a lot of the bigger items moved up during the week, and today spent a good deal of time cleaning things up and throwing things out.

I didn’t get any photos at the start of the process, but here’s a snapshot of what it used to look like. It definitely got messier than this.

Slightly cleaner, with a lot of loose insulation out and about.

We had a lot of junk stored here, in front of our (future) wine cellar. It wasn’t that difficult to clean up, as we just had to separate out a lot of old paint cans – identifying the ones we wanted to keep, and the ones we need to take to get recycled.

The front basement, markedly cleaner.

Wait, no – don’t look at all that. It’s… going to get cleaned up. Honestly.

We have a large amount of items we’re waiting to review with Bob. There’s a great deal of pipes and PVC that we still have, and I’m loathe to haul it up stairs if it’s not necessary to do so. But! Things are a bit more organized, to say the least.

Ultimately, the tools and all the equipment on the rolling cart will be the last to go.

I made a mess of the back yard, just chucking things out onto the grass as I was cleaning in the basement. I eventually got out here to pick things up.

Power tools, sitting in a… pile on the floor. I really need to look into buying some kind of cabinet.

While moving out a lot of Liz’s garden-specific items, we decided we could store them under the front porch. We have a small hatch that leads into that space, and it’s an area I’d never ventured into before.

I ran a broom around, to clear some of the spiderwebs (which were numerous), and headed in.

Me, checking for dead bodies. Ever since we found bones in the front yard, I’ve been… nervous.

Many years ago, I remember Julie saying that Liz and I would eventually come to know every single inch of this house. That in our work and renovations, we’d become intimately familiar with the whole place.

While I feel like I know our attic well, I’ve never been in this space before. I didn’t quite venture all the way in, but perhaps that day will come (in the far future) when we decide to re-do the front porch.

For now, it’s just a big storage space.

Saturday is Basement Cleanup Day
Basement Pickup
Shuffling Along in the Basement
The Basement Shuffle

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