A Lazy Day of Rest

Today, Liz and I spent a pretty lazy day just recuperating. It’s been a pretty hectic and busy few days, with us working a great deal on the house. So today, we decided to take things easy.

We had a late breakfast in bed, and watched a few episodes of Star Trek: Voyager. Then I was upstairs for a while coding, while Liz was downstairs watching movies.

Yesterday and today, I binged a bit on Stranger Things. I’ve taken to watching this on my own, as it’s a bit much for Liz… so I’ve been going through the first season solo.

While the monster scenes are scary, the arc of the story reminds me a lot of E.T., done for a present day audience. I love how quickly conflicts are introduced and confronted/resolved, as that pacing seems to provide a momentum to the stories that just keeps me coming back for more.

So far, I’ve gotten through the first season (which was excellent). I’m a few episodes in to Season 2, and a little less enamored with things. But still in love with the kids, and keep returning to cheer them on.

Today was a nice, slow day – compared to the days prior. Felt nice to take things easy, and to let our bodies recuperate a little bit.

A Lazy Day in Bed
A Lazy West Wing Marathon Day
A Lazy Day At Home, Together

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