Clearing the Basement

With us having just gotten back home yesterday, Liz and I were reluctant to suit up and begin work on the house again. But after a late breakfast, some Star Trek, and a review of our Google Calendar plans… we realized we had a strict schedule to keep to.

So we suited up, and got to work in the basement.

Our goal for the day: relocation. Basically, move everything out of the basement so that we can make repairs to the floor… and get som epoxy put down.

Liz, packing up everything on our wire rack.

A lot of things that needed to get moved upstairs.


Mostly the smalls remaining.

We packed up our chimney pretty well with things we didn’t want to haul upstairs. This little wine cellar is paying for itself!

Broke down the cement mixer, and moved it under the porch. Really thankful we were able to get rid of so much material here in the cistern.

Liz, done with moving all the big items.

Cleaning up.

Crazy how open things are now.

Wide open basement.

View from the West, looking towards the furnace.

We earned our beers tonight! Splitting a Dragon’s Milk, with a WBEZ mug. Keeping things classy.

Selfie right before beer time.

Sitting down, assessing next steps.

At the end of a solid day’s worth of work. Good night!

A Big Work Day in the Basement
Basement Cleanup and a Trip Under the Porch
Shuffling Along in the Basement
The Basement Shuffle

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. This was a really big day/step for us. With the basement clear, we’re free to do some repair work… and to get epoxy put down. Once the epoxy is in place, we can start to move things back down here – and open up the rest of the house.

    avoision Reply

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