Dinner with Jake and Anais in Hyde Park

Met up with Jake and Anais tonight, for a night out in Hyde Park. We gave them a quick tour of the house, and headed over to Jolly Pumpkin, which Liz and I had yet to visit.

Settling in to our table, with (almost) everyone distracted by Jeopardy! in the background.

Jake was working on some rum on the rocks, I got the Luciernaga, and I believe Liz and Anais both got the Chocolate Stout.

The Luciernaga was fine, with just a hint of tartness. Very subtle. But I’m pretty convinced at this point that sour beers are just not my thing. Looking forward to coming back to explore the other options, but probably going to steer clear of the sour ones.

Great interior.

From here, we grabbed dinner at Porkchop, then finished off with some dessert at A10. Nice catching up with Jake and Anais, and happy to show off our neighborhood a little.

Father’s Day at Lagunitas Brewing Company
Drinks at Lower Broadway
Transporting Jake’s Grill

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