Brunch with Ben and Allison

A few weeks back, we set up a brunch date to hang out with Ben and Allison at their house.

Ingrid and Soren, looking over all the food available – some mixed fruit, a great quiche from a local bakery, and a big assortment of pastries.

After brunch, Liz and I got to admire some of Soren’s handiwork. Check out this amazing Lego BB-8!

All four of us spent a good while at the table, just chatting and catching up. We talked about a good number of things: relationships, learning how to argue well, cryptocurrency, and even a little politics.

We also got to check the big basement transformation, and traded some stories about our respective renovation projects.

It was really nice seeing Ben and Allison again, as it’s been too long since we last hung out. I’ve really had my head down since last August, trying to get settled into my new job. That’s been my primary focus for a while now (and the house of course), and so I really haven’t been overly social at all; hanging out today reminded me just how much I’ve been holed away.

When Liz and I got into our car to leave, I realized we had been visiting with Ben and Allison for 4 hours. It felt like we had spent a fraction of that time, hanging out. Which I guess is how it is and should be, with old friends.

Happy 40th Birthday, Ben!
Meeting Baby Ingrid

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