The Snow Bunnies: Phineas and Daisy Experience Snow for the First Time

After the big snow from a few days ago, Liz thought it would a fun idea to let the bunny rabbits experience snow for the first time. So we filled a small litterbox full of the stuff, and brought it inside for Phineas and Daisy to check out.

I was pretty skeptical of the whole experiment, whereas Liz thought they would be curious and dive right in.

Here’s Phineas, checking things out.

And what do you know – he dove right in! He may be slowly turning into an old man, but he still seems to have that fearless streak in him yet.

Phineas was all about the snow, and really just tromped around.

Daisy was curious, but mostly just dipped her toes in the water.

I was genuinely surprised that this was a hit. Never in a million years would I have imagined the bunnies would just jump right in to a big pile of coldness.

Not once but twice!

Baxter and Quincy Explore the Outdoors for the First Time
First Bunny Rabbit Bonding Session

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