Mutually Creeped Out

I worked from home today, as I had an appointment with People’s Gas for a route gas meter/line inspection. This happens every two years or so, where someone from the company comes inside the house to physically check out the gas meter and check the gas lines for leaks.

On thinking about the whole process, it creeped me out a little bit when I imagined walking with a complete stranger into our basement.

Of course, our basement currently looks way better than it used to. So I didn’t feel like I would be walking someone into a serial killer basement.

What someone would have seen of our basement, a few years ago.

When the People’s Gas worker showed up, I led her down the cellar steps into the basement… and made it a point to leave the door open (which she closed). I joked with her that it felt creepy bringing a stranger into the basement… but then also realized that it probably felt creepy for her, to walk into the basement of a total stranger.

She agreed, and said something akin to “you never know what you’re gonna see.” I refrained from asking, but I bet she had some stories to tell.

All told, it was a pretty fast and routine inspection. I learned that not only could we paint our gas pipes if we wanted, we could also paint our gas meter as well (provided we didn’t cover up the serial number and meter window). Apparently, people can decorate the thing however they like.

Finding a Pipe-Finder
Cleaning the Basement, Part 1
It Is Most Definitely Party Time

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