String Lights, Twice

Bob got us an additional set of string lights, for use upstairs. With much of the floor removed from the master bedroom and the floor still remaining in the guest room… I decided it would be good to install the lights before doingn more demo.

The challenge in the master bedroom: only being able to work a small area at a time, before moving the platform/ladder.

I was able to get the lights installed, albeit slowly.

Here is my semi-regular reminder to myself that I should listen to Liz more. When I had a few bulbs installed, she asked if I wanted to test things out by plugging the lights in. I immeditely said “no” to this, being pretty fixated on getting the job done.

Well, it turned out that none of the bulbs turned on when I plugged the thing in. I tried all sorts of things: a different outlet, removing/replacing the first bulb – no luck.

Ultimately, I went downstairs and stole the string lights from the basement. Then, I slowly installed the old set while slowly removing the one I had just put in. Two times the fun.

On the left, the new string; on the right, the old.

Party time!

While the lights set me back a bit, I was able to get a small bit of demo done in the guest room. It’s a start, anyways.

Master Bedroom Floor Demo, Part 1
Master Bedroom Floor Demo, Part 2
Even More Lights in the Basement

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you the first time.

    You must have been mumbling… Did you say I was right?! ;P

    the wife Reply

    • Yes, you are… correct. :|

      avoision Reply

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