The Basement Stairs, Dry Fitting the Treads

Bob was at our place today for a super long time, arriving around 1PM and leaving around 9:30 PM. Liz and I came home to find all the treads cut and in place – allowing us to walk up/down the stairs!

We had to be a little careful though, but it felt great. Though I must admit, I’ve gotten much better dancing up the partial steps already.

Despite a really weird day/night/morning, I was able to clear the debris from the yard yesterday… and also got to measure and cut the remaining 4-5 pieces of masonate that we’re adhering to the risers.

Bob was able to sand these down, flush with each step – and now we have nearly all the pieces in place!

Liz and Bob, looking over the stairs and talking next steps with staining and varnishing and painting.

A Long Day in the Basement and Yard

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