Office Ceiling Demo, Part 2

After work, Liz and I suited up to continue work on the office ceiling. To be honest, after a full day at the office… the last thing I wanted to do was get all covered in dirty insulation. But we were working off a new schedule, and wanted to stay on track.

We made pretty short work of things, though we did try to be careful when removing the lathe from the joists. With the plaster gone, this cleanup work was a lot less taxing.

At this point, I’ve carted all the heavy plaster bags out to the porch… and these are just the bags of insulation that dropped down since we began work.

The turret and wagon wheel, exposed.

Another view, somewhat hard to see.

And another view. We’re thinking about lofting the whole thing, and possibly even opening up the space above the wagon wheel.

This is a very dusty, dirty job. Check out that face mask!

Demo selfie.

Office Ceiling Demo, Part 1

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