Hallway Demo

We had a bit of an audible today, as Liz and I were slated to go out to Katie’s house to help pour some concrete. The weather was looking a little iffy with a lot of non-stop rain, and by the time we got on the road… we talked with Bob, and determined it would be better to reschedule.

At home, what did we do with that newly free time? We decided to work on the house.

Actually, we always had planned on doing house work this weekend. It was going to be a busy two days, but we just had to switch the work around. So we began work on demo-ing out the wall in the hallway.

Technically, this wall is part of our master bedroom, but since we took out all the floors, we’d be doing this work in the hallway.

Liz, suiting up.

Part of the work involved taking up all the carpet in the hallway.

To prevent dust from getting into the bathroom and our back office (where all our clothes are), we had to seal things up. Not the best photo in the world, but I wanted to include this to show how close we were cutting things – we’re taking the wall out on the left, there.

Plaster down, lathe removed, and one more wall gone.

As much as I would have liked to just taken the day off, it was good for us to get this done. We’re trying to keep up with an aggressive schedule for ourselves, and this was some necessary work I’m glad we’ve checked off the list.

Demo in the Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom Floor Demo, Part 2
Master Bedroom Floor Demo, Part 1

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