Early Morning Roadwork

The sound of road work began pretty early this morning, circa 7AM. I know construction crews get an early start (typically arriving on a site by 6AM or earlier and ending around 3PM). But I guess this means we’re in for a lot of heavy thuds and beeping trucks for the next few weeks.

A bit before breakfast, I went outside to see what was happening. The crew was working on the spot right outside our driveway, and it was crazy to see. To be honest, I’m not exactly sure what they’re replacing – it’s a black pipe of some kind, possibly for the sewer drains?

I was just in awe of how deep this was. I think that’s our water line there in the distance (marked by a blue patch of spray paint).

I wanted to wander around and take more photos, but felt like I was in the way of these workers and their tasks. So I backed off some and took a bit of video. It was amazing to see just how quickly they seemed to finish up in one area, and move on to the next.

Porch, Sunset
Roadwork Begins
Flooding and a Fixed Water Pipe
A Unique Opportunity Presents Itself… Twice
Street Work on the Way to Work

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