An Extended Vacation for Daisy and Phineas
With all the upcoming work happening on the first floor, we no longer have a space for our bunny rabbits Daisy and Phineas.
It’s painful to have them away from us, for such an extended time – but they’re being well taken care of by Liz R. As soon as we’re able to clear out this floor, we’re hoping to get them back home.
More and more of the house is going to be in a “working” state, and things are going to get tougher for us. More house nights during the week, with a lot to get done before the cold weather rolls in.
Having the bunnies away is unpleasant, but motivation for us to get through our work as quickly as we can… to get the first floor back in shape for us, and for them as well.
The Bunny Rabbits are Home
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