Cleaning the Bedroom Bricks

Tonight was one of the few nights Bob wasn’t planing on being at the house, so we used it as an opportunity to do some messy work. After getting home from work, we suited up and tackled cleaning the chimney bricks in the master bedroom.

Or should I say, Liz tackled the bricks.

Liz, looking ready to do some brick work and/or graffiti art.

Up on a ladder with the grinder, annoyed at me stopping to take a photo.

Liz did the whole area herself, with me standing nearby with the shop vac. The goal I and was to minimize the dust with the shop vac, which sorta worked. I sucked up some dust during the process, the the whole place was still a hazy mess.

Afterwards, I went downstairs to work on the fridge while Liz stayed upstairs to sweep up some of the mess.

With another round of switching the refrigerator doors under my belt, I feel like I’m ready for the professional circuit. The nice thing about this work was that I could mosly leave everything inside the fridge, as I was turning the doors around, and didn’t feel like I was racing the clock.

Somehow ended up with two extra washers that I somehow… didn’t need. I’m pretty sure I did everything correctly, so it must have been the refrigerator’s fault.

Cutting into the Chimney Bricks in the Basement
Adding Flowers, Removing Bricks: Sunday at Work in the Parkway and Basement

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