Insulating the Stairway Walls

Put some time in after work, and threw in some Great Stuff foam along the stairway walls. I had to get the scaffold in place to reach everywhere, but I’ve found I’ve gotten much faster with the setup and breakdown of that guy.

One thing I neglected to do was to work with gloves. I know better, from past experience, that Great Stuff stains your skin if it makes contact. But I ended up wanting better control of the spray/nozzle, so I took off my gloves, even though I knew it would be a risk.

Note to self – use gloves.

On both hands.

Turns out, it’s not so much a stain as it is a very, very thin layer that bonds to the skin and turns dark. I spent about a solid hour in the shower, peeling away as much as I could. I a few places, it got hard to tell if I was peeling off the foam or actual skin.

Despite my best efforts, I still still looked like I was someone who spilled ink all over their hands. Really need to wear gloves next time.

Clearing the Stairway Walls, Part 1
Clearing the Stairway Walls, Part 2

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