More Drywall

Bob was over early today, and things got moved around. We cleared a lot more space in the office, and relocated a lot of the ceiling drywall (to make room for another drywall delivery).

Drywall, relocated in the master bedroom.

Liz and Bob worked on making some supports for the basement and first floor (the drywall we’re getting is pretty heavy stuff), and I decided to do a bit more demo work. We’re getting rid of this one closet in the hallway, and so I took the time to dig into that a bit.

Ah, attic insulation. I keep thinking I’ve seen the last of you and I keep being wrong.

The drywall for the bedroom walls. This is crazy soundboard, and does a great job keeping noise out. With our furnace room right next to the bedroom, we decided to use this everywhere (and to lessen the noise from outside, as well).

With the soundproofing comes a lot of weight. The sheets are actually composed of two sheets bonded together, and weighs about 75 pounds each. We had 12 sheets, and ended up using Dolly to hire laborers to move them from Bob’s truck, upstairs. Not a pleasant job, but well worth the money.

Note: the link to Dolly is a referral link, which gets you $20 off (and gives me $20 credit as well).

At the close of the day, I realized I had more work to do – and continued cleaning out the closet area (and filling in the gaps in the wall with foam). Though to my credit, I did decide to use gloves this time. He can be taught!

Bedroom Prep, Closet Demo Part 1
Bedroom Prep, Closet Demo Part 2

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