Nearly Finished with Bedroom Drywall

Had a pretty long morning, as I went out to shovel the driveway and sidewalk. Ended up ending to the neighbors’ walkway and sidewalk, as well as doing some of the pah for the Browns’ next door. I was out for a good number of hours, and cleared an awful lot of snow.

Inside, I was helping Bob who came over today… and tackled a few tricky drywall pieces/angles in the master bedroom. He filled out the (future) door to our walk-in closet.

And also got the trickier piece that went up against the angled NW corner.

With just a bit remaining, Liz and I will handle the remaining 10′ piece, as well as all the smaller strips at the top.

Excited to feel nearly done with the drywall! We’ve got one more day and we should be fully finished with the walls.


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