The Umbrella Academy

Liz and I had a pattern of watching an episode of Star Trek while eating dinner. We’ve been steadily making our way through most of the franchise, and recently just finished the last episode of Star Trek: Enterprise.

After that, we decided to switch over to something new and gave “The Umbrella Academy” a whirl on Netflix. I got a rough idea of what to expect from the trailer, but after the first episode… we kept on watching:

Overall, I liked the dark tint of the world. There’s also a splash of magic realism, and a lot of things that are left unexplained. Like Pogo’s character, for instance. Or even the mother. A lot of the first few episodes leave you with questions, and bit by bit little clues are revealed.

Also, the soundtrack is pretty fun. There’s a tinge of 80’s nostalgia everywhere, which gives the series a very odd feel. Part Sci-Fi, part magic realism, part nostaliga. I feel like they spent a small fortune on the rights to use all these songs.

One caveat I’ll throw out – there seemed to be a decent amount of gore, at least in the first few episodes. Definitely not what I expected, but I feel like that died down after a while.

Liz and I blew through the first season in pretty short order. Now that it’s done, I kinda miss the show – and wish the second season was out, so we could continue learning about these very odd characters.

Netflix, 80’s Nostalgia, and the Precise Moment when the Movie “Road House” Takes a Turn

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