Parkway Planning

Ever since the city did all the road work along our street last year, our parkway has suffered. We had a large chunk of it disturbed, dug up, and the city ended up spraying some kind of hydroseed thing to re-grass the areas.

Our parkway used to look awesome, but that was before all this happened.

Came home from work to find Liz, assessing the area with a tape measure and taking down notes. We’ve got to get rid of the grass that the city sprayed, then level out the ground again (and possibly level out other things, like the handicap parking sign that’s all askew in the background).

Liz said she wants to have a clear plan of what to plant where, so it’ll be interesting to see what we end up doing. Looking forward to the weather turning, and getting a chance to get this area back to looking nice again.

Roadwork Begins
Early Morning Roadwork
Installing a Brick Path Along the Parkway

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