A Light Road Trip: Day 1

A few months back, Liz went to Roundtop and came across the perfect chandelier for our dining room. The problem was: she had no way to transport it home, as she had taken a plane down to Texas.

After buying the item, she arranged for us to pick it up (a few months later) from the seller in Kansas City. And so we took Thursday/Friday off of work, rented an SUV, and hopped in the car.

Splitting up the trip to lessen the driving, we opted to spent two days in St. Louis. Then a day in Kansas City, then a day of driving back home.

Before we start, I need to mention something. We didn’t get to booking hotels until maybe a week before our trip. I would say about a week and a half before that time, I saw this random thing on Twitter.

It was shared by someone I follow. And pretty hilarious.

Again, I saw this a week BEFORE we made our hotel reservations. And Liz ended up doing the research and suggested a few hotels to try out.

And on her list was Angad Arts Hotel.

Pulling up to STL.

Outside Angad Arts Hotel.

This slick lounge area, that we never really got to enjoy. Interesting thing: the lobby of the hotel was on the 12th floor.

Our haunted room.

Look, it’s Twitter IRL!

Liz, being funny and creepy at the same time.

It’s so Smurfing blue.

Oddly, I didn’t find it too overwhelming or overpowering.

There was one wall that was left untouched. Perhaps that was for the best.

The duck was a nice touch.

A slight mirror, just outside the elevator on the floor.

We trekked up to the rooftop bar, which was just opening up. I think this was maybe around 2PM or so? And it struck me that we were “one of those people” who were having drinks in the middle of the afternoon, on a Thursday.

“Who are you? Don’t you have jobs? What are you doing?”

Felt pretty great.


The view was quite nice off the balcony.

DJ area.


On the ground floor, by the main elevators, there were these installation pieces.

Jason Ackman: Whimsical Bench

On the wall behind, there were a series of doors. It looked like they were all just stacked one next to the other, but Liz ended up trying a doorknob and discovered a few of them opened up!

Jason Ackman: Behind Closed Doors Installation

A few revealed video/computer displays.

Marina Peng: Eight Portals

Pretty cool discovery, and a fun bit of interactivity/delight. Definitely added to the appeal of the hotel for me.

By the time we got back out to the car, we were thinking about heading over to City Museum. But it was nearing 5PM, and looked to be their closing time during the week.

Instead, we hit up a yarn store and found a bite to eat at Schlafly.

We got a few beers to take home, and ended up going back to the hotel.

Tomorrow, we had a full, free day to do whatever we wanted. And after one more night in STL, it was then off to Kansas City.

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