Parkway Weeding

While Liz brought the parkway back to its former glory (after all the street work last year), it’s been a little neglected these last few weeks.

So much so that the weeds really were taking over.

With really mild temperatures today, Liz and I were out weeding after work. Because things had gotten too out of control.

While she started on the North side, I worked my way from the South. Both of us going in a kind of counter-clockwise motion.

Liz, giving everyone a little drink after the weeding.

Can’t tell you how much nicer this looks now. We stayed out a bit later than planned, but tonight’s work made a world of difference. We’ve got some more areas in the front yard to attend to, but this was a great first step.

Post Work Planting
Racing the Rain
Resetting the Parkway Brick Path

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