Felix Jung, 20×2 Chicago: What Did We Miss?

The videos are now up from the last 20×2 Chicago event, where the prompt was “What Did We Miss?”

Everyone who participated got to answer the question however they saw fit, but had to follow one rule: answer in two minutes or less. I had a blast presenting, and really enjoyed all the varied answers. Below, I’m including video of my talk (along with a few favorites).

Me, talking about an encounter I had one morning, on my way to work. And the way it still, sometimes, shapes my commute.

Mark Chrisler, talking about how a small, Greek island tried to tackle an over-fishing problem.

Ian, sharing a story about missing his husband and being a little bit distracted.

Eugene Cabanban (who also is an old coworker from Sears), shares the story of the Amen break.

Gabrielle Lyon, talking about rocks and the ways some of the most iconic buildings in Chicago remind us of the incredible history of the earth.

And a lovely, random discovery: Liz and I learned she’s also a neighbor in Hyde Park, who lives just a street over from us!

The full playlist is online, featuring many more presenters. There are a lot of creative, passionate, funny, heartbreaking responses to this question – and they’re worth checking out.

Walking Past the Man, the Woman, and the Medic
The First One on the Ramp
20×2 Chicago and an Impromptu Date Night

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