Get Ready for the Cosmic Crisp
The Launch is an absolutely captivating article by Brooke Jarvis about the Cosmic Crisp – an apple you haven’t heard of. Yet. But will likely hear about in the fall.
I am mostly familiar with the more generic varieties: Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Red Delicious. I don’t think I know them well enough to really distinguish or describe their differences… but the article was a whole new world.
From the change in how apples are grown (some growers are favoring the trellised approach), to the role that marketing and focus groups are having… all the way to naming rights (is it Cosmic Crisp or WA 38): this article covers it all.
Jarvis does a great job sifting through all the information and details, providing what feels like a guided tour. I’m very curious now for the fall to come, and to see just what all the fuss is about.
Or, better put: I’m curious to see what all the anticipation is about, and to see whether there actually is a fuss.
[via MetaFilter]
Apple Pie Day in Valparaiso
Apple Picking at Heinz Orchard
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