Weekend in Whitehall, Day 1
I started work earlier than usual, and Liz went in to work at her usual time. Though we had plans for me to pick her up at 3:00 PM, the whole day was pretty busy for both of us. I think we both ate a very, very late lunch (and I barely started packing until near 3PM).
We were able to make it on the road by 4PM, with our luggage stored in the back and a fresh cup of coffee for me up front. Though this was a vacation, the days prior to today have been very busy for us. I’d say that maybe an hour or two into the drive, I started to relax a little bit. And felt the grip of the previous week loosen, slightly.

Prior to this, there were 2-3 firetrucks. I’m not sure what the actual “accident” was, but this truck loaded with port-a-potties was at the center of it all. This deserves a better caption than I’m able to produce, at the moment.

I don’t take I-94 North that often, but today we switched over from I-90 to I-94. There definitely was some backup, but I was laughing at the fact that things are so consistently bad here that someone determined a permanent sign was necessary. As a kind of heads-up.

On our way to Whitehall, we decided on a brief detour. Liz found Izzy’s Bean and Gelato Shop.

So we stopped off for an early dinner. Looking at the interior, I was convinced we had stopped in here at some point in the past – possibly when we were hitting up antique shops a few years ago, for Liz’s birthday. But it may have been another spot along the same highway.

On arriving, we found that Jackson had “written” some messages along the sidewalks by using a scrub brush and cleaning away each letter. Reminded me of Alexandre Orio’s Reverse Graffiti.

We heard that there were fewer frogs in the pond this year – due possibly to some minx that had shown up in the neighborhood. But in walking by Liz (ever on the lookout for frogs), spotted this guy just hanging out.

Standing on the porch, with a gorgeous view of the lake.
Whitehall Lakehouse, Day 1 (2018)
Liz’s Birthday Roadtrip to Michigan – Day 2: Great Lakes Antiques Mall, Sweet Pickins, Sunset Junque, and Blue Star Antique Pavillion
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