Phil Baharnd: The King of Auto Sales in Fargo, North Dakota

I’m not one to purchase pop-culture t-shirts. But when I saw this one, featured in an email from Cotton Bureau… well, I just had to have it.

It’s an obscure reference. A really obscure reference, if I had to be honest. I’m wondering how many people would actually recognize this name.

I liked the scene from the West Wing a great deal. So much so, that it was one of the early YouTube videos I posted up. If you’re not familiar with the reference, here’s the scene:

I look forward to encountering the first person who recognizes this shirt/name. I like to think of the t-shirt as a kind of shibboleth, so I know who the true West Wing fans are.

If you’re a nerd like me, and want this t-shirt you can purchase it on Cotton Bureau.

// Edit: The one, and only one tiny issue I have with this shirt’s design is… the fact that the zip code should have been included, just after “Fargo, ND.”

No Bad Days
President Bartlet and the Butterball Hotline
An Oral History of The West Wing

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