Christmas Eve in Indianapolis

Liz and I got the idea to get Bob a cake as a Christmas gift. And since we were in Indy, we decided a stop at Heidelberg Hause – the place where my family got nearly every single birthday cake for me and my sister, as we were growing up.

Inside, the place was filled with all sorts of things: in addition to the bakery, there was a small shop.

The whole place was jam packed.

Lots of bakery items (Liz and I were here yesterday, to place an order). Stacey came with me today, to pick up the cake… and we stopped for a few cookies as well (also things we remembered from our childhood).

I honestly don’t recall much of the place. In my memory, all I recall were really full shelves stuffed with candy. Something a bit like this, near the counter.
It must have been decades since I last set foot in here. There was a restaurant area that I don’t recall at all, and just tons of stuff everywhere.

Much later in the evening, Liz and I went with my mom and dad to midnight service at St. John’s. We joined my Uncle Benny and Aunt Vicky there.
The service was nice, and went a little longer than I remember (we ended around 12:30 AM). After getting back to Stacey’s and having a few late night snacks, we eventually turned in around 3:00 AM.
Christmas Eve in Indianapolis (2018)
Christmas Weekend in Indy, 2017 – Part 3: Cinnamon Rolls, Midnight Service at St. John’s
Cooking Chinese Dumplings with Mom, Christmas Eve, Indianapolis
Christmas Eve in Indianapolis
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